For those new to computing [or at least those that were new in '88], here is a list of the more commonly misunderstood terminology. ACCESS TIME - The time between the instant at which information is called for and the instant at which management expects the final report. ASSUMED DECIMAL POINT - Located two positions to the right of a programmers current salary, estimating his own worth. BLOCK DIAGRAM - Schematic gibberish. BIT - The increment by which programmers slowly go mad. BRANCH INSTRUCTION - Advice from a district office. CHAINING - A method of attaching programmers to desks to speed up output. CHECKPOINT - The location from which a programmer draws his salary. COMMON LANGUAGE - The first thing a programmer must forget to be successful. COMPLEMENT - An antique, outdated form of speech once used to express appreciation. CONSTANT - A type of pressure. CONSTANT AREA - The stomach. CORE STORAGE - A receptacle for the center section of apples. COUNTER - A device over which Old Fashions are served. DEBUGGING - Removing the needles from the haystack. DIGIT EMMITTER - Sandals. ERROR - What someone else made when they disagreed with your computer output. EXTERNAL STORAGE - Wastebasket. FIXED LENGTH WORD - Four letter words used by programmers in a state of confusion. FLOATING CONTROL - A characteristic exhibited when you have to go to the rest room but can't leave the computer. FLOATING POINT - The absolute limit before Floating Control is lost. FLOW CHART - A graphic representation of the fastest route to the coffee machine. FORTRAN - Fortunately Our Readers Take Refreshers At Nightschool. GARBAGE - Highly aromatic computer output. HIGH SPEED PRINTER - Wife writing checks. HOUSEKEEPING - Letting the next person clean up your mess in the computer room. INDEX REGISTER - Constant source of irritation. INPUT - Food, whiskey, beer, excedrin. INTERNAL SORT - The stomach, liver and kidneys keep changing positions. KEY PUNCH OPERATORS - The best informed source of information regarding the weaknesses of the system, new large scale computers and night clubs to hang out at. LIBRARY - An organized collection of obsolete material. LOGICAL OPERATION - Getting out of Data Processing to marry a rich widow. LOW ORDER POSITION - The programmers position in the chain of command. MACRO - The last half of an expression: for example "Holy Macro". MATHEMATICAL MODEL - 46-26-38. MATHEMATICAL CHECK - The renumeration received by a mathematical model. MEMORY DUMP - Amnesia. MICROSECOND - The amount of time required for a program to hang up. NUMERIC - 46-26-38 OFF LINE - Failure to pass a sobriety test. ON LINE - Full, but not drunk. OVERFLOW - The result of being too much "Off Line". PARAMETER - The abolute limit beyond which the secretary yells for help. PROGRAMMER - Red eyed, mumbling mammal capable of conversing with inanmiate monsters. OPTICAL SCANNER - Male visitor in the keypunch section. SPECIAL CHARACTER - A character which is out of the ordinary, different a resident of Greenwich Village.