You Might be a Fundamentalist if ... - When the pastor says he has "studied the text in the original language" you think he means the King James Version. - You think the reason premarital sex is wrong is because it might lead to dancing. - You think the hymn "Just As I Am" naturally has 35 verses and takes 21 minutes to sing. - When meeting a Marine fresh out of boot camp your first thought is "Nice Haircut!" - Someone asks what you think about Contemporary Christian Music and your first thought is of George Beverly Shea. - During the winter months the Pastor asks you to prepare for a baptismal service and you get an ax to chop a hole in the ice and wood for a bonfire. - If you think Aunt Maude and Uncle Clem are "unequally yoked" because she's a Baptist and he's Nazarene. You might go to a fundamentalist church if... - The Trustees vote to remove the ceiling fans because too many ladies have gotten their Bee-hive hairdos caught in the blades. - Your Sunday service includes time to put the snakes away.